All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description Customer CustomerClient Defines an interface to the customer business logic using JAX-RS resources.CustomerDAO This interface defines basic DAO capabilities for the customer domain.CustomerDAOImpl This class implemenets a DAO for the Customer domain.CustomerJaxRSClientImpl This class implements a JAX-RS Client interface to the customer web application.CustomerMgmt This interface defines the business interface for the customer management EJB.CustomerMgmtEJB CustomerMgmtLocal CustomerMgmtRemote CustomerRepresentation This class provides base definition and helper methods for representations within the customer domain.CustomerResources This class defines producers for resources required within the customer application.Customers This class is used to represent a collection of customers to/from the server.Customers CustomersResource This class provides a JAX-RS resource for interfacing with customer methods.