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appURI - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
appURI() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
Return the base URI to the application
assertProductEquals(Product, Product) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.MarshallingTestBase


category() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.MarshallingTestBase
cleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase
Remove data from previous tests
customerClient - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase
customerClient - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
customerClient() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
Returns a remote stub (implemented with JAX-RS) to the integrated external EJB module.


ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory - package ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory


inventoryClient - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase
inventoryClient - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
inventoryClient() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
Returns a remote stub (implemented with JAX-RS) to the inventory management application.
InventoryITBase - Class in ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory
This class implements a JAX-RS based integration test with the inventory application deployed to the server.
InventoryITBase() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase
InventoryJsonIT - Class in ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory
This class configures the JAX-RS based integration test for use with application/json.
InventoryJsonIT() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryJsonIT
InventoryTestConfig - Class in ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory
This class implements the details of the test configuration and objects required to operate the test.
InventoryTestConfig(String) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
Accept an optional property file resource from the classpath so that we can override hard-coded defaults with a property file.
InventoryXmlIT - Class in ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory
This class configures the JAX-RS based integration test for use with application/xml.
InventoryXmlIT() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryXmlIT


JAXBMarshallingTest - Class in ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory
This class provides a quick sanity check of the JAXB marshaling of a domain POJOs to/from XML based on JAXB annotation bindings.
JAXBMarshallingTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.JAXBMarshallingTest
jaxrsClient - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
jaxrsClient() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
Returns a singleton JAX-RS client to use with JAX-RS Client API
JSONBMarshallingTest - Class in ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory
This class provides a quick sanity check of the JSON marshaling of a domain POJOs to/from JSON based on JSON-B annotation bindings.
JSONBMarshallingTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.JSONBMarshallingTest


logger - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase
logger - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.MarshallingTestBase


marshal(T) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.JAXBMarshallingTest
marshal(T) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.JSONBMarshallingTest
marshal(T) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.MarshallingTestBase
MarshallingTestBase - Class in ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory
MarshallingTestBase() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.MarshallingTestBase
mediaType - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
myLogger - Static variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase


product() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.MarshallingTestBase
props - Variable in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig


setMediaType(String) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryTestConfig
setOptions(InventoryTestConfig) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase
setOptions(InventoryTestConfig) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryJsonIT
setOptions(InventoryTestConfig) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryXmlIT
setUp() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase
setUpClass() - Static method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase


testAddInventory() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase
testManageCustomer() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase
testUpdateProduct() - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.InventoryITBase


unmarshal(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.JAXBMarshallingTest
unmarshal(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.JSONBMarshallingTest
unmarshal(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ejava.examples.ejbwar.inventory.MarshallingTestBase
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