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BadRequestException - Exception in info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb
This exception is thrown to report a bad name given.
BadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb.BadRequestException


date - Variable in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Greeting
destroy() - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb.GreeterEJB


firstName - Variable in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Name


getFirstName() - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Name
getGreeting() - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Greeting
getLastName() - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Name
Greeter - Interface in info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb
GreeterEJB - Class in info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb
GreeterEJB() - Constructor for class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb.GreeterEJB
GreeterRemote - Interface in info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb
This interface extends the Greeter business interface to provide a means for remote clients and clients from different classloaders to communicate with the session EJB.
Greeting - Class in info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto
This class represents a serializable DTO object that can be used to send and receive data to/from a remote interface.
Greeting(Date, String) - Constructor for class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Greeting


info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto - package info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto
info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb - package info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb
init() - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb.GreeterEJB


lastName - Variable in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Name
logger - Static variable in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb.GreeterEJB


message - Variable in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Greeting


Name - Class in info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto
This class represents a serializable DTO object that can be used to send and receive data to/from a remote interface.
Name(String, String) - Constructor for class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Name


sayHello(Name) - Method in interface info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb.Greeter
sayHello(Name) - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb.GreeterEJB
This method is an example of a business method that
sayHello(String) - Method in interface info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb.Greeter
sayHello(String) - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.ejb.GreeterEJB
This method is an example of a business method that can be invoked by users of this object (if a POJO) or bean (if deployed as an EJB).
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Greeting
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Name
setFirstName(String) - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Name
setLastName(String) - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Name


toString() - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Greeting
toString() - Method in class info.ejava.examples.ejb.basic.dto.Name
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