Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 6.18 with sun_checks.xml ruleset. rss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
19 0 0 748


Category Rule Violations Severity
blocks LeftCurly 33  Error
RightCurly 2  Error
coding AvoidInlineConditionals 11  Error
HiddenField 23  Error
MagicNumber 9  Error
design DesignForExtension 80  Error
VisibilityModifier 2  Error
imports AvoidStarImport 4  Error
  • processJavadoc: "false"
2  Error
javadoc JavadocMethod 61  Error
JavadocPackage 5  Error
JavadocStyle 8  Error
JavadocType 18  Error
JavadocVariable 29  Error
misc FinalParameters 62  Error
modifier RedundantModifier 1  Error
naming ConstantName 3  Error
regexp RegexpSingleline
  • format: "\s+$"
  • maximum: "0"
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • minimum: "0"
138  Error
sizes LineLength 38  Error
whitespace MethodParamPad 4  Error
WhitespaceAfter 4  Error
WhitespaceAround 211  Error



Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocPackage Missing file.
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 3
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 5
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter message should be final. 5
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter cause should be final. 5
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 9
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter message should be final. 9


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 9
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 14


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error imports AvoidStarImport Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*. 5
 Error imports AvoidStarImport Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*. 6
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 9


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 5
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 6
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 7
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 8


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocPackage Missing file.
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 7
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 9
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setMember' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 11
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter member should be final. 11
 Error coding HiddenField 'member' hides a field. 11
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 14
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 15
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 16
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 16
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 16
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 18
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getLogin' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 19
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 20
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 20
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 20
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getMember' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 23
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 23


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error imports AvoidStarImport Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - javax.persistence.*. 5
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 8
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 9
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 9
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 11
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 11
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 11
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 12
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 12
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 18
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 18
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 20
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 22
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 22
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 22
 Error coding MagicNumber '16' is a magic number. 22
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 22
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 22
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 22
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 22
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 22
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 24
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 26
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 26
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 26
 Error coding MagicNumber '32' is a magic number. 26
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 26
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 26
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 26
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 28
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 29
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 29
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 29
 Error coding MagicNumber '32' is a magic number. 29
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 29
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '{' is not followed by whitespace. 32
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 32
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter id should be final. 33
 Error coding HiddenField 'id' hides a field. 33
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 34
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 34
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 36
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 37
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 24 should have line break after. 37
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getLogin' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 39
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 30 should have line break after. 39
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setLogin' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 40
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter login should be final. 40
 Error coding HiddenField 'login' hides a field. 40
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 44
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 29 should have line break after. 44
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter name should be final. 45
 Error coding HiddenField 'name' hides a field. 45
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getEmail' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 49
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 30 should have line break after. 49
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setEmail' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 50
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter email should be final. 50
 Error coding HiddenField 'email' hides a field. 50
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 53
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'compareTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 54
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter rhs should be final. 55
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 56
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 56
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 56
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 56
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 56
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 56
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 56 should have line break after. 56
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 57
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 57
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 57
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 57
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 43 should have line break after. 57
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 61
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 65
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 68
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter obj should be final. 69
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 26 should have line break after. 70
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 26 should have line break after. 71
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 43 should have line break after. 72
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 74
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 75
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 75
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 75
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 75
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 75
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 77
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 87
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 88


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error imports AvoidStarImport Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - javax.persistence.*. 7
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 11
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 11
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 13
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 13
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 13
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 14
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 14
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 15
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 15
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 15
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 16
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 16
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 17
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 17
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 17
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 18
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 18
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 19
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 19
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 19
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 20
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 20
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 24
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 24
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 26
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 29
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 29
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 31
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 34
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 34
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 34
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 34
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 36
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 38
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 38
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 38
 Error coding MagicNumber '50' is a magic number. 38
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 38
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 40
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 41
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 41
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 43
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 45
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 45
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 45
 Error coding MagicNumber '7' is a magic number. 45
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 45
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 45
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 45
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 45
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 45
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 47
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 49
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 49
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 49
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 49
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 50
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 50
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 50
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 50
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 52
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 53
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 53
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 54
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 54
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 56
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'prePersist' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 57
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 58
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 33 should have line break after. 58
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 58
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 58
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 58 should have line break after. 58
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 58
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 58
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' at column 84 should be alone on a line. 58
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 59
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '{' is not followed by whitespace. 60
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 60
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter id should be final. 61
 Error coding HiddenField 'id' hides a field. 61
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 64
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 65
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 65
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 24 should have line break after. 65
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getDateCreated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 66
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 34 should have line break after. 66
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 67
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getCategory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 68
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 42 should have line break after. 68
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAfter ';' is not followed by whitespace. 68
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 68
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setCategory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 69
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 69
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter category should be final. 69
 Error coding HiddenField 'category' hides a field. 69
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 72
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 73
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 29 should have line break after. 73
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 74
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 74
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter name should be final. 74
 Error coding HiddenField 'name' hides a field. 74
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 77
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getYear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 78
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 26 should have line break after. 78
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setYear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 79
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 79
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter year should be final. 79
 Error coding HiddenField 'year' hides a field. 79
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 82
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getPrice' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 83
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 34 should have line break after. 83
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAfter ';' is not followed by whitespace. 83
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 83
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setPrice' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 84
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 84
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter price should be final. 84
 Error coding HiddenField 'price' hides a field. 84
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 87
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getSeller' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 88
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 31 should have line break after. 88
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setSeller' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 89
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 89
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter seller should be final. 89
 Error coding HiddenField 'seller' hides a field. 89
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 92
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getBuyer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 93
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 30 should have line break after. 93
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setBuyer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 94
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 94
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter buyer should be final. 94
 Error coding HiddenField 'buyer' hides a field. 94
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 97
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 98
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 109
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'compare' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 110
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter lhs should be final. 111
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter rhs should be final. 111
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 112
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 112
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 112
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 112
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 41 should have line break after. 112
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 113
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 113
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 113
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 113
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 113
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 113
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 61 should have line break after. 113
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 114
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 114
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 114
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 114
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 114
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 114
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 61 should have line break after. 114
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 115
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 115
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 116
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 116
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 28 should have line break after. 116
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 117
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). 118
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 118
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 118
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 118
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 118
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 65 should have line break after. 118
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 119
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 119
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 119
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 119
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 65 should have line break after. 119
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 120
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 120
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 120
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 120
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 65 should have line break after. 120
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 122


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 3
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 4
 Error whitespace MethodParamPad '(' is preceded with whitespace. 4
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 5
 Error whitespace MethodParamPad '(' is preceded with whitespace. 5
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 6
 Error whitespace MethodParamPad '(' is preceded with whitespace. 6
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 7
 Error whitespace MethodParamPad '(' is preceded with whitespace. 7
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 8
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 9
 Error modifier RedundantModifier Redundant 'private' modifier. 10
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter prettyName should be final. 10
 Error coding HiddenField 'prettyName' hides a field. 10
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 48 should have line break after. 10
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 11
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 35 should have line break after. 12
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter value should be final. 13
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 14
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 14
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 26 should have line break after. 14
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 15
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 17
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 17
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 26


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 9
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 10
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 10
 Error design VisibilityModifier Variable 'em' must be private and have accessor methods. 12
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 13
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getUserMgmtDAO' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 14
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter em should be final. 16
 Error coding HiddenField 'em' hides a field. 16
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter validator should be final. 16


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocPackage Missing file.
 Error imports UnusedImports Unused import - javax.enterprise.inject.Alternative. 10
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'addProduct' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 26
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter product should be final. 27
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 28
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 28
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 28 should have line break after. 28
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 29
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 29
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getProductsForSale' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 33
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 34
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter template should be final. 34
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter offset should be final. 34
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter limit should be final. 34
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 39
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 43
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 43
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 46
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 46
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 52
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getBuyerProducts' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 63
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter buyer should be final. 64
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter offset should be final. 64
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter limit should be final. 64
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 66
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 66
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 67
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 67
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 121). 68
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 69
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 69
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 137). 70
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 73
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 73
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 81
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 82
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 82
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 82
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 82
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getSellerProducts' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 85
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). 86
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter seller should be final. 86
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter offset should be final. 86
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter limit should be final. 86
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 88
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 88
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 89
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 89
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 124). 90
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 91
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 91
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 139). 92
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 95
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 95
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 103
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 104
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 104
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 104
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 104
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 106
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 107
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter product should be final. 108
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 109
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 109
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 109
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 109
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 50 should have line break after. 109
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 111
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 111


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error imports UnusedImports Unused import - javax.enterprise.inject.Vetoed. 11
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 16
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). 19
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 24
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setEntityManager' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 25
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter em should be final. 25
 Error coding HiddenField 'em' hides a field. 25
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setValidator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 28
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter validator should be final. 28
 Error coding HiddenField 'validator' hides a field. 28
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 29
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 29
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'createMember' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 32
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter member should be final. 33
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 35
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 35
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 42
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. 43
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '!=' is not followed by whitespace. 43
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 100). 44
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 46
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getMember' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 51
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter id should be final. 52
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'findMemberByLogin' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 56
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter login should be final. 57
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 58
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 58
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 26 should have line break after. 58
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). 59
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAfter ',' is not followed by whitespace. 59
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 62
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 62


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 3
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 5
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter message should be final. 5


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 21
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). 27
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
 Error naming ConstantName Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 27
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 29
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
 Error design VisibilityModifier Variable 'dao' must be private and have accessor methods. 31
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 32
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 33
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 37
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'destroy' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 38
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 42
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 43
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'addProduct' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 44
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter product should be final. 46
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 124). 48
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getProductsForSale' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 53
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 55
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter template should be final. 55
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter offset should be final. 55
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter limit should be final. 55
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getBuyerProducts' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 59
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter buyer should be final. 61
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter offset should be final. 61
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter limit should be final. 61
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getSellerProducts' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 65
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). 67
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter seller should be final. 67
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter offset should be final. 67
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter limit should be final. 67
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 70
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 71
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter product should be final. 72


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocPackage Missing file.
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 8
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 11


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). 23
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
 Error naming ConstantName Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 23
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 24
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 28
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 29
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 33
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'destroy' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 34
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 38
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 39
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'login' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 42
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'login' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 49
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter login should be final. 49
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 51
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 51
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 53
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 53
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 21 should have line break after. 58
 Error blocks RightCurly '}' at column 45 should be on the same line as the next part of a multi-block statement (one that directly contains multiple blocks: if/else-if/else or try/catch/finally). 58
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 59
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 60
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 105). 60
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'createMember' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 69
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter member should be final. 71
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getMember' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 75
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter id should be final. 77
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'findMemberByLogin' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 81
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter login should be final. 83


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 8
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 10


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocPackage Missing file.
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 8
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 11
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 12
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 14


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 17
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getError' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 18
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setError' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 21
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter error should be final. 21
 Error coding HiddenField 'error' hides a field. 21
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 24
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getStackTrace' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 25
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 34
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getException' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 35
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setException' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 38
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter exception should be final. 38
 Error coding HiddenField 'exception' hides a field. 38


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). 33
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 89). 34
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 37
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 89). 40
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
 Error naming ConstantName Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 40
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 41
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 45
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 47
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 48
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 50
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 51
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 52
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 54
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 58
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 60
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 62
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 63
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 65
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 67
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 69
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 71
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 72
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 72
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 77
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 87
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 94
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle Unclosed HTML tag found: <pre> 96
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle Unclosed HTML tag found: <pre> 104
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 105
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 109
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 110
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 110
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'destroy' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 116
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 116
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 120
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getSeller' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 122
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 122
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getProducts' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 125
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 125
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 127
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 127
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setProducts' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 132
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 132
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter products should be final. 132
 Error coding HiddenField 'products' hides a field. 132
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 134
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '=' is not followed by whitespace. 134
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 136
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 138
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Expected an @return tag. 144
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getProduct' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 144
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 146
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setProduct' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 148
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 148
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter product should be final. 148
 Error coding HiddenField 'product' hides a field. 148
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getCategories' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 152
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 152
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). 154
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 160
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 161
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 162
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 164
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 167
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 168
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle Extra HTML tag found: </h:form> 170
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). 172
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). 173
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Expected an @return tag. 176
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 176
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getAddCommand' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 176
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 178
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setAddCommand' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 180
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 180
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter addCommand should be final. 180
 Error coding HiddenField 'addCommand' hides a field. 180
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 184
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 186
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 187
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 188
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 189
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 190
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 193
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 195
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Expected an @return tag. 197
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'addNew' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 197
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 200
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). 201
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 98). 204
 Error coding MagicNumber '100' is a magic number. 205
 Error coding MagicNumber '1980' is a magic number. 206
 Error coding MagicNumber '30' is a magic number. 206
 Error coding MagicNumber '10000' is a magic number. 207
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). 208
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). 209
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAfter ';' is not followed by whitespace. 209
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 210
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 212
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 213
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 214
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 218
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 221
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 224
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 227
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 230
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 235
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getForm' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 235
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 235
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). 236
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 236
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 236
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '?' is not preceded with whitespace. 236
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 236
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '?' is not followed by whitespace. 236
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 237
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setForm' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 239
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 239
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter form should be final. 239
 Error coding HiddenField 'form' hides a field. 239
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 98). 240
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 240
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 240
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '?' is not preceded with whitespace. 240
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 240
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 243
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 245
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 246
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 247
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 248
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). 248
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 249
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 251
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 252
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 254
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Expected an @return tag. 258
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 258
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 266
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 267
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 279
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). 287
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 288
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 289
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 294
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 298
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'getTableForm' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 298
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 298
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 111). 299
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 299
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 299
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '?' is not preceded with whitespace. 299
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 299
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '?' is not followed by whitespace. 299
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround ':' is not preceded with whitespace. 299
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround ':' is not followed by whitespace. 299
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 300
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'setTableForm' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 302
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 302
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter tableForm should be final. 302
 Error coding HiddenField 'tableForm' hides a field. 302
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 124). 303
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not preceded with whitespace. 303
 Error whitespace WhitespaceAround '==' is not followed by whitespace. 303
 Error coding AvoidInlineConditionals Avoid inline conditionals. 303
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 310
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'delete' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 314
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 314
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 320
 Error design DesignForExtension Method 'save' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 321
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 321