Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Part IX. Validation API

2019-08-22 07:09 EST

Table of Contents

52. Core Validation API
52.1. Validation Goals
52.2. Constraints
52.2.1. Annotating Class
52.2.2. Validating Instances
52.3. Constraint Groups
52.3.1. Uses
52.3.2. Defining Groups
52.3.3. Groups Applied to Classes
52.3.4. Validating with Groups
52.4. Custom Validators
52.4.1. Annotation
52.4.2. Validator
52.4.3. Annotating Class
52.4.4. Example Usage
52.5. Composite Constraints
52.5.1. Multiple Constraints
52.5.2. Replace With Composite
52.5.3. Composite Annotation
52.5.4. Composed Validations Individually Reported
52.5.5. @ReportAsSingleViolation
52.6. Group Sequences
52.6.1. Validation Groups and Sequence
52.6.2. Assign Constraints from Sequence
52.6.3. Sample Execution
52.6.4. Optionally Assign Sequence to be Default for Class
52.7. Validating Types
52.7.1. Annotation
52.7.2. Validator
52.7.3. Validator
52.8. Cascade Validation
52.8.1. Trigger Validation Cascade with @Valid
52.8.2. Validation
52.9. XML Descriptor
52.9.1. POJO Bean Class
52.9.2. META-INF/validation.xml
52.9.3. Constraint Mapping
52.10. Summary
53. JPA Persistence Lifecycle
53.1. Callbacks
53.2. Listeners
53.3. Summary
54. Validation API/JPA Integration
54.1. Entity Class
54.2. Persistence Unit
54.3. Validation
54.4. Validation with JPA
54.5. Summary
55. Validation API Build/Maven Aspects
55.1. Adding POM Dependencies