Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Chapter 24. Project 2 Testing


The end-to-end scenario will test your end-to-end application in a "happy path" scenario. Any white-box or black-box testing of alternate and error paths would be appropriate to put in the separate unit and IT test cases.

  1. Provide a JUnit integration test that verifies the eLeagueEAR can be deployed to the server, including successful deployment of the persistence unit and contained EJBs.

  2. Provide a JUnit unit test that verifies successul marshaling and demarshaling of an eLeague DTO class using Java Serialization. You may create a DTO class specifically for this test if none of your DTOs are used in your RMI interface.

  3. Provide a JUnit integration test that verifies a successful JNDI lookup and RMI communication with an eLeagueEJB.

  4. Provide a JUnit unit test that verifies successul marshaling and demarshaling of an eLeague DTO class to/from XML or JSON.

  5. Provide a JUnit integration test that verifies a successful HTTP communication with an eLeagueEJB.

  6. Create a single JUnit integration test case (e.g., eSportEndToEndIT) with a single @Test method that walks the two applications through the following end-to-end scenario. You may create a separate IT test in eLeague while developing the eLeague portions but the final end-to-end scenario should be placed in eClub since eClub depends on eLeague.