Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
Integrate JPA persistence units with server-side deployed EJBs
Implement EJB business methods using a JPA persistence context
Access EJB business methods using remote interface
Identify how a remote interface and local business interfaces are different and the role of the DTO
Develop solutions for remote interfaces that are appropriate for specific application requirements
At the completion of this topic, the student shall
be able to:
Integrate a JPA persistence unit into a EAR-deployed EJB
Integrate a JPA persistence unit into a WAR-deployed EJB
Integrate external business and DAO logic into an EJB
Develop lazy-load solutions for marshalling data to remote client (pre-touching and join fetches)
Develop solutions for when marshalling managed entities as DTOs (classpath and cleansing)
Develop solutions to create an independenct remote (DTO) and data tier (BO/entity) layers