Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Async::JMS 1.x Mechanics This project provides examples for performing core JMS 1.x mechanics of establishing connections, creating, sending, and receiving messages.
Async::JMS 2.x Mechanics This project provides examples for performing core JMS 2.x mechanics of establishing connections, creating, sending, and receiving messages.
Async::JMS (Topic) Notifier This project provides a small example of a notification application and N-number of non-durable and durable subscribers that use a JMS topic to distribute information.
Async::JMS (Queue) Scheduler This project provides a small example of a scheduling application and N-number of providers that will fight for requests off a queue. They only take what they can process and will transactionally reply with a result when complete.
Async::Async Market This project is the root project for the core Asynchronous EJB example; Async Market. From a problem domain perspective, it is a gathering place for buyers and sellers of items. From a technology perspective, it forms an example usage of JMS and EJB Timers within the EJB server tier.