Borrower |
This class provides an example of the one/parent side of a one-to-many, bi-directional relationship
that will be realized through a foreign key from the many/child side of the relationship.
Car |
This class is an example of the one/inverse side of a one-to-many, bi-directional
relationship mapped using a compound foreign key that is partially derived from the
parent primary key.
Loan |
This class provides an example of the many/child side of a many-to-one, bi-directional relationship.
Purchase |
This class provides an example of the one/inverse side of a one-to-many, bi-directional
relationship realized through a join-table mapped from the owning/many side.
SaleItem |
This class provides and example of the many/owning side of a many-to-one, bi-directional
relationship that is realized using a join-table.
Tire |
This class provides an example of the many/owning side of a many-to-one, bi-directional
relationship mapped using a foreign key and that foreign key is used to derive the
primary key of this class.
TirePosition |