Applicant |
The class provides a set of OneToOne relationship examples.
Author |
This class provides an example of one end of a ManyToMany relationship.
Borrower |
This class forms a uni-directional, one-to-one relationship with the
Person class, joined by common primary keys.
Checkout |
Inventory |
This class is used as an example of a @OneToMay, using a join table.
Library |
This class provides an example of using the java.util.Map with
Media |
This class represents a media topic, for which there are many copies and
MediaCopy |
This class provides an example of a ManyToOne mapping.
MediaCopy2 |
This version of MediaCopy uses the @MapsId annotation to link the
relationship and primary key properties together.
Person |
This class provides an example of the owning side of a OneToOne
Uni-directional relationship.
Photo |
This class provides an example of the "inverse side" of a OneToOne
Uni-directional relationship.
WantList |
This class is an example of a uni-directional ManyToMany relationship.